Sales of Zen tickets on hold until Januray 2nd
During the winter holydays, even Chibi Dino is taking a vacation! To guarantee the best possible service, we're closing the Zen tickets sales during the ticketing team's vacations!
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The Japan Expo ticketing team is on vacation until January 2nd, 2024. From December 20th, 2023, the purchase of Zen tickets will be put on hold until our teams return, as we are committed to guaranteeing the most efficient service possible in the event of a problem with your purchases!
If you write to us during this period, please note that your e-mails will be processed, but only when we return. Thank you for your understanding.
You can still buy 1-day tickets, weekend passes, and 3-day passes on our online ticketing service.
Our teams and Chibi Dino wish you all a very happy holiday season!