Japan Expo Marseille - February 21-23, 2025
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The tapestry inspired by Howl's Moving Castle unveiled

The Aubusson Tapestries, a regional know-how listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will unveil the third piece of their project in collaboration with Studio Ghibli: a magnificent tapestry representing the traveling castle of Hauru.

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We already told you about it last year; the Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie, in collaboration with Studio Ghibli, is creating a monumental tapestry made of five pieces representing the works of director Hayao Miyazaki. Last year they were at Japan Expo to exhibit the preparatory works of the project.

The first piece inspired by Princess Mononoke was unveiled last year, then the second one representing Spirited Away earlier this year.
On April 21st, the third piece, Le Château ambulant, from Howl's Moving Castle, will be unveiled. The "tombée de métier" - the name given to the unveiling of the tapestry when it is removed from the loom used for its production, will be broadcast live on the Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie d'Aubusson's Youtube channel. See you on Friday, April 21st, at 3:30 pm!

The tapestry is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2023 and is destined to travel worldwide. In the meantime, the project's progress can be seen in the weaving workshops of the Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie in Aubusson. A particular space dedicated to the project, presenting extracts of the films and samples of the hangings, can also be discovered on-site during the manufacturing process.


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  • Anime
  • Culture & traditions

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