Japan Expo Marseille - February 21-23, 2025
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Security FAQ

You have a question about security, whether you can bring weapon replicas, or how our security measures work? We have the answer!

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Information available on this page may be updated at any time until the festival.

Q: Can I bring a katana replica to Japan Expo Marseille?

A: No, you can absolutely not, for obvious security reasons. ALL WEAPON REPLICAS ARE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, whatever they are made of.

Q: If I’ve come along with a replica and want to get it back at the end of the festival, what do I do ?

A: The attendees are invited to leave such items at home, otherwise they will be confiscated by security to be destroyed.

Q: What if the replica is part of my costume and I keep it in its case?

A: The same security rules apply to cosplayers and other attendees. Only harmless replicas of fantasy weapons are allowed, on the condition that they bear strictly no resemblance with a real weapon and are made of harmless material only, such as foam, cardboard, light wood, or worbla.

As for the cosplayers entering the contests, you’ll find more information by asking your questions to the cosplay team on www.facebook.com/epicassociation.

Q: But I've seen katana and other weapon replicas on sale on several booths?

A: The exhibitors are allowed to sell replicas to people over 18 only, and must provide a closed box to carry them, which must remain closed until you get home.  

If you buy a replica from one of the festival exhibitors and unpack it inside, it will be confiscated by security and destroyed.

Q: Are airsoft replicas allowed?

A: Airsoft weapon replicas are also prohibited.

Q: Are there forbidden costumes?

R: Yes, all military, police, SWAT, or other response team costumes are forbidden.


More security instructions from the French government at www.gouvernement.fr/reagir-attaque-terroriste

Other questions

Q: I have another question! What do I do?

A: You can read the attendees' guide here and the other information pages, and if it still does not answer your question, send us a message and we’ll find the answer! Use the "Contact us" section of the website and be careful when choosing the type of request, it will be easier for us to find the answer.

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